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Bring back our fist fight



BEING a leader of a small political party in Lesotho is a tough gig. You have to deal with having yourself, wife, children and nyatsis as the only supporters of your party.

The majority just ignore you like a fart of an elder at a village pitso. The media also pretends you don’t exist. And that is how it is in reality.

Your party only exists in the IEC’s registry and your head. You want to matter but you know you don’t.

Leaders of small and pathetic parties have to defecate on themselves in public to get any media coverage or to be the subject of bar talk.

You know the Mr Bean jokes devoid of words. You just have to watch and laugh. Almost all leaders of small parties in Lesotho are jokes on two legs.

But there comes a time when the media and the public cannot ignore little parties. They force themselves into the national discourse with their tomfoolery.

The leaders of the Revolutionary Alliance of Democrats (RAD) and the All Basotho Victims (ABV) did just that this week when they clobbered each other during a debate at Lesotho TV.

They were fighting over campaign funds the IEC had given their coalition. The M42 800 had been deposited into the RAD’s bank account.

Relebohile Lephoto, the RAD leader, quickly swallowed the money and wiped his mouth like a toddler who had stolen sugar. When the ABV’s William Mohale demanded his share, Lephoto laughed him out of his office and told him to go hang. But Mohale wanted his share and refused to find a tree on which to hang.

He insisted that they dissolve their coalition and that Lephoto gives him his share. Lephoto however pulled out the contract and showed Mohale where it says the coalition is for five years. Checkmate!

What was left was to rearrange each other’s faces but they didn’t have a boxing ring. Luckily, Lesotho TV offered to host the match under the guise of a political debate.

The genius who invited them to the studio deserves a mug of hopose. As they exchanged pleasantries Muckraker was sure a boxing match was imminent.

So during a commercial break, Lephoto tried to grab Mohale. Mohale landed a few blows on a shocked Lephoto. The RAD leader was not prepared for Mohale’s quick blows.

Like a typical bully, he has chewed the ABV’s money and now wanted to spank its leader for good measure. He probably thought Mohale was one of the victims in his party’s name.

Muckraker hears the fight was stopped by one of the soldiers guarding the studio. Imagine that nonsense!

A whole soldier stopping a national drama that was not organised by the army commander. Muckraker will never forgive that soldier for interfering with good drama.

He had no right to play referee or peacemaker.

Also, Lesotho TV should fire the people who kept running the advert while Mohale and Lephoto were fighting.

What nonsense is that? They should have stopped the advert and shown us the fight. An advert can run anytime but a fight between political leaders has no rematch.

You may be asking how the dispute between Mohale and Lephoto should be resolved. Well, there is no honour among thieves.

Mohale should just accept that he had been dribbled and Lephoto should be rubbing his tummy while he chews what remains of the money. You snooze, you lose. Case closed!

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