It was only a matter of time before the ABC started lashing out. Muckraker knew Montoeli Masoetsa, the spokesperson, was just about to get his mouth burnt when he blamed Uncle Tom and Mr Softie for the party’s embarrassing defeat in the election.
A loose cannon, he has mastered the art of waffling his way into trouble.
He was however right on who was to blame for the defeat. His only mistake was to omit to mention that he too was to blame for the defeat.
The All Basotho Confusion did not light the fire on his mouth then because it was too busy bandaging its wounds. But it wasn’t long before Masoetsa’s mouth chaperoned him into hot water again.
This time he sent out an audio clip with more vulgar info than the usual nonsense.
Muckraker has not had the pleasure of listening to the clip but can bet her last penny that he mentioned some body parts. Kabi, the ABC’s stepfather, later said the clip was so ‘heavy on the tongue” that it could not be tolerated from an age-wise person like Masoetsa.
At that moment Muckraker knew that Kabi had been afflicted with a disease common in the ABC. It’s a fatal combination of selective amnesia and hypocrisy.
That explains why he conveniently forgot to mention that in the ABC age doesn’t come with wisdom alone. You don’t need to go back far in history to know that Uncle Tom, whose age pulled the middle figure on wisdom in the early 2000s, was the master of vulgarity and insults.
He was the headmaster of name-calling yet no one suggested showing him the door.
His wife, the Feselasy, was the queen of insults and Kung-Fu but she remained the party’s mother and was even allowed to embarrass herself by getting 190 votes.
Her hobby of beating and insulting people was not even enough for her to be reprimanded.
That precedence of ignoring thuggish and unruly behaviour would have saved Masoetsa.
The only problem is that he didn’t found the party and was not sharing a bed with the founder. This is to say he misbehaved in a house he didn’t build and some privileges are sexually transmitted.
Masoetsa also mistimed his expletive rant. He misspoke when the party’s wounds were still bleeding. Nerves were still raw.
The party wanted to show that it had broken with its rogue past and Masoetsa delivered himself to be used as an example. He now says he rejects his suspension because he was never given a hearing. He insists he will remain the party’s spokesperson even if Kabi and his leadership strip to their state of nature and bumjive in the bus stop area.
That sounds macho but delusional. No one will listen to him if he insists on masquerading as the party’s spokesperson. He will only be speaking to himself and for himself.
Some things are just obvious but then commonsense stopped being common decades ago.
Nka! Ichuuuuuuuuuuu!